Infoshop event: Nationalism and antifa movements in ex-Soviet countries.
Case studies: Russia and Ukraine
How safe is it for a person of a non-Caucasian appearance to walk in the streets of Moscow? Will you be sure that you can get home safe after a concert of a band propagating anti-racism and anti-fascism in Kiev? Did you know that in 2009 more than 60 people were killed and more than 250 people were injured due to racism based violence? Did you know what unites Ukrainian and Russian nationalists that used to hate each other after the collapse of the USSR?
We will tr to find answers to these questions during the event. We will watch short videos illustrating current struggle between nationalist and
antifascist activists in Russia and Ukraine, and afterwards I will provide the discourse of these movements in both countries. The discussion will
Thursday, 1 April, 19-30, Tuzrakter, Infoshop (follow the pointers).
Morze Infoshop Presents:
Bridge over the Wadi (Tomer Heymann&Barak Heymann,2008, 55 min):
movie screening and workshop about a peace struggles of Palestinian and Israeli people.
Time & Date:
19-30, Thursday, March 25
Tuzrakter, Hegedu u. 3: most probably in the Apro ter (the room to the right from the entrance. Just in case, follow the pointers saying 'Bridge over the Wadi'.
For the first time in Israel, a group of Arab and Jewish parents decide to establish a conjoint bi-national, bi-lingual school inside an Arab village.The film follows the school's first year and portrays through the personal stories of its characters, how complicated and fragile is the attempt to create an environment of co-existence against the backdrop of the complicated reality around.
ZARE (Music Against Racism) hereby invites you for its event of International Day against Racism
Date: Sunday, 21 March 2010, 4:30 p.m. Venue: Gödör Club, Erzsébet square, Budapest Host: Marcell Lőrincz, co-ordinator of ZARE
The guests of honour:
H.E. Eleni Tsakopoulos Kounalakis, Ambassador of the United States
H.E. Cecilia Björner, Ambassador of Sweden
Ms Dawn McKen, Deputy Head of the British Embassy
Zene A Rasszizmus Ellen - ZARE (Music Against Racism) is a movement initiated by the British Embassy, following the footsteps of British Rock Against Racism (RAR) and Love Music Hate Racism (LMHR). The aim of the movement is to take a stand against racism. Using the language of music, we hope to join people to support tolerance and stand up together for the rights and equality of all people.
We are pleased to invite you to the Infoshop meeting this Friday at 7p.m. to discuss the outcomes of the anti-Bologna demo and counter-summit in Vienna, and also to discuss the possibility of student activism and student movements in Budapest.
The demo and the blockades on 11 March were successful, at least the politicians wo came to the Summit in Vienna had to admit 'Austrians have big problems with the implementation of Bologna" based on the demo and the blockades they experienced. The alternative summit and the workshops that took place on 12 and 13 March were also very informative and good for establishing a common platform of student struggle for the future.
Overall, it was a good opportunity for students from a number of European countries to gather in one place, and also to discuss burning topics related to education and student movements.
Here are some links to the videos, photos and pieces of news about the Bologna Burns demo in Vienna:
Students preparing for the “2010 Bologna Ministerial Conference“ in Vienna
Vienna (22nd February 2010) – Students are preparing for the “2010 Bologna Ministerial Conference“ in Vienna and Budapest. In addition to a variety of creative campaigns and demonstrations, students have organized an alternative summit. Guests from all over Europe have announced their participation.
On March 11th and 12th 2010 education ministers from 46 countries will gather for an “Extraordinary Anniversary Ministerial Conference” in Budapest and Vienna. The Bologna process has changed European universities, not only through the often catastrophic implementation of the Bachelor/Master system. The shortcomings of the Bologna Declaration and the incompetent implementation of the Action Lines cannot merit a celebration of the process. Because of this, the “unsereuni – our uni”student movement is organizing the “Bologna Action Days” from March 10th -14th 2010.
On Thursday, March 11th, an international demonstration with the slogan “United against cuts in education and social services – our future in our hands” will take place, starting at 3 PM at the Vienna Westbahnhof. A broad call for support from students organising the demonstration has reached a large number of organisations and unions.
Teaching and research staff at Vienna’s universities, for example the Technical University of Vienna, will hold staff meetings in preparation for the protests. There will be strike measures at several universities, including the University of Applied sciences, FH Campus Wien. Classes will be cancelled on March 11th and 12th.
Alternative Summit
From March 12th to 14th students are organising an Alternative Summit at the University Campus in Vienna. The program will offer a number of workshops dealing with various areas in education politics and a final panel discussion. Participants will include Christian Felber from ATTAC Austria, the journalist and author Robert Misik and the sociologist Andreas Keller from the German education trade union.
International Guests
Guests from many European countries have announced their participation at the Alternative Summit and the demonstration in Vienna. Apart from providing space for discussion of European and international consequences of the Bologna process and related developments, the alternative events taking place in Vienna between March 11th and 14th are intended as a platform for international networking and exchanging protest experiences with fellow students from all over Europe.
Around 20 people are coming to Vienna from Budapest too :)
On 9 March two events related to Bologna process took place in Budapest: a workshop and a demonstration.
The worksop took place at CEU from 2-30 until 4-00. There were 22 people who attended teh workshop. It started with a speech of Dr. Liviu Matei about Bologna system and its place in higher education, as well as some implications of this system and the need for it. Further, some statistical data were presented by Freddie followed by a discussion about the Bologna system and its positive and negative sides. Afterward, one of the organizers of the Bologna Burns from Vienna told about the preparations in Vienna for the actions and about the autumn occupations of the universities.
At 6 p.m. we moved to Astoria where the demo was to take place. There were around 30 people at the demo. We were holding 3 transparencies:
"Nobody asked us -"
"B.A.? M.A.? BSc? MSc? Minket nem kérdeztek!"
"As oktatas nem elado - Education is not for sale"
Although it was pretty cold outside, we managed to stay there around one hour. During this time we were discussing the Bologna system, its implementation in Hungary, the activism of Hungarian students etc. All the passers by seemed to be interested in waht was going on, and some were also approaching us and we were explaining the meaning of the demo.
Despite the fact it was not that umerous, we strongly believe that it was a good start for raising consciousness of students in Hungary and a contribution to internetional students' movement.
More pics here
There is a huge bunch of activities at CEU on 8 March. The gender department organizes a party /activities from 10 a.m. till 2 p.m., and afterward the Infoshop organizes a creative march for feminist rights and against oppression of women + a workshop about a male anti-sexist autonomous self-help group.
Morze Infoshop is pleased to invite you to a workshop on Bologna process on the 9th of March at CentralEuropeanUniversity. It has been ten years since the Bologna education process was introduced into the European universities and it is still controversial. On March 11 and 12 2010 the education ministers of 46 European countries will celebrate the 10 year anniversary of the Bologna process in Budapest and Vienna accordingly. Considering the current situation and the ongoing protests in many European Universities this celebration is a mockery for all of us. We believe that there is nothing to celebrate.
Student occupations started in Vienna in autumn 2009 and this flame of blockades spread all around the world. The main reasons were protesting against commercialization of education and criticizing the system which produces workforce dictated by the capitalist market. Students in Vienna are planning to have protests and the counter summit on 11th-14th March (
Budapest joins the Austrian colleagues and would like to attract attention to the issue of Bologna system and its implementation in Hungary.
A discussion on the Bologna Process, the massive student protest planned in Vienna on the 11th-4th, and its relationship with the broader student movement. The discussion leaders include members of the Vienna Student Movement "Bologna Burns", a keynote speaker Dr. Liviu Matei from the Department of Public Policy at CEU, and students with first-hand experience in student occupations. There will also be information about travel to Vienna on the 11th for the counter-summit and the blockade of the Bologna summit.
17:30 - 19-30: in front of the ELTE Campus in Astoria, Muzeum krt. 4-6
Directly following the discussion, all are invited to participate in a demonstration in front of ELTE Campus in Astoria against the 10th anniversary celebration of Bologna system.