Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Uigur Rioters: 2 Points of View
During July the Chinese police killed 12 Uigur rioters.
Here are 2 points of view (yes, support pluralism! :P)
The Chinese one ("mobsters"):
The British one (rioters):
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Political Antifa in Hungary: A Letter to Citizens of Europe

An anti-democratic, anti-Semitic, and racist minority that openly advocates political terrorism is running rampant in Hungary today.
They openly proclaim their violent nationalist-fundamentalist, pseudo-democratic, fascist-like, anti-humanistic slogans favoring discrimination against ethnic groups and alternative lifestyles. The results of the 2009 European Parliamentary election show that Hungarian society is not willing to accept cultural differences and to choose to accept that all ethnic groups have a place in the Hungarian melting pot.
Ignoring the lessons of the 20th Century atrocities, they ghettofication of Hungarian society is underway. We must see the frightening developments in our nation.
The radical Far Right groups are offering easy solutions for the layer of Hungarian society that is frustrated with the political culture and seeking security in the face of economic crisis. They are using twisted logic and historical falsification to feed the frustrated population with simplified solutions. We can see through their efforts to rehabilitate the perpetrators of crimes that must never be forgiven or forgotten. Through their actions they are destroying the international reputation of our country and creating fear in the hearts and minds of our democratic citizens.
Under these circumstances, we, the Citizens Against the Far Right – with the support of international democratic forces – feel the need to fight against the violent politics and program of the Far Right.
We can only fight barbarism with humanism!
Far Right groups throughout Europe have planned a series of events in memory of Rudolf Hess for 15 August 2009. We are inviting all humanist, anti-fascist forces here to Hungary so we – with Europe's help – can protect our democratic system!
Anarcho Forum in Belarus

Various discussions, llectures and workshops covered the following topics: workers' movement, anti-nuclear resistance, transport, safety of activists, anarchist black cross, antifa methods, migration, gender problems streed doctors, clown army etc.
In Russian from someone from St.-Petersburg who was there:
More on anarchics movement in Belarus:
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Call for Summer of Resistance 2009!

"...As the consequence of the collapse of global capitalism around the world, more uprisings are expected. With the recent riots in Greece, Iceland, Sweden, Lithuania, Latvia, Bulgaria, France, Guadeloupe and Lampedusa, the EU became the venue of intense contradictions and militant struggles.
In the numerous directives, bilateral agreements and treaties, of the past few years concerted measures for “ Europe as an area of freedom, security and justice ” , are long ago brought into position against anti-communist resistance and radical projects and movements are covered with investigations and prosecutions for " terrorism " . “ Joint investigation teams ” research - supported by Europol - international networks. Manuals and databases on “ Troublemakers ” will be bring protests at major international events under control.
Resistance against the increase in surveillance and control, against repression and anti-riot is still stuck too much often on a national level.
Therefore we call to push the development of a transnational struggle against the “ security architecture ” , in 2009 at several cross-border mobilizations, whether they are timbered by the NATO, G8 or EU..."
For the whole CALL visit GIPFELSOLI
By the way, Gipfelsoli is an anti-G8/20 portal with fresh news from all around the world concerning the summits.
Anti G8 Demos in Italian L’Aquila that was Hit by an Earth-Quake
Marchers set off from one of dozens of tented camps near the mountain town set up to house victims of the devastating April 6 earthquake, watched by a large force of police.
The protest was originally organised by local citizens’ groups to draw attention to the slow progress of reconstruction three months after the quake, which killed 299 people and left some 70,000 homeless. However, anti-globalisation groups comprised the vast majority of the marchers.
The logic behind the G8 meeting in L'Aquila was not clear, however, the fact that the town was hit by the quake gave another incentive to local people to demonstrate against the summit. Therefore, the activists got a strong local support.
The G8 watch in L’Aquila can be found here:
Thursday, July 2, 2009
An Antifa Book
Roger Griffin, Werner Loh, Andreas Umland, eds. Fascism Past and Present, West and East: An International Debate on Concepts and Cases in the Comparative Study of the Extreme Right
Anarchist Summer Camp in Austria

The Website:
The Message:
Dear friends from Europe and around the world!
We would like to announce the 3rd Anarkiisma Somera Tendaro, an international A-camp taking place from July 18th to 27th 2008 in the northern part of Austria. An anarchist summer camp, where we have 10 days to try a life free from pressure and the habitual constraints present in our every day lifes; a place where we can mutually encourage us in transforming our struggles into lived experiences.
The Description:
Resistance - we hold this to be a synonym of vitality. In this spirit, the third anarchist summer camp in Austria should be a week spent
living together, loving, laughing, debating, making plans, dancing, gathering ideas, cuddling and doing whatever else comes to our minds.
The camp should not be seen as a "holiday", for this expression implies the separation of work and leisure time. Rather, we wish it to be an opportunity to freely mould our shared life during the camp, get to know each other and to live our dreams of a liberated life, during debates and workshops as much as in everyday life.
We are aware that such a freedom can only ever be relative, firstly because we carry the legacy of authority around with us in our heads and bodies, and then because the anarchist camp is an island, which is limited in time and place, surrounded by an oppressive society. But maybe we can still manage to create a free space outside of dreary social normality, where we can experience what it is that we are fighting for and aiming at.
In order to make this possible, it is crucial that no forms of discrimination or oppression are tolerated at the camp, and that everyone considers it as her or his responsibility to ensure this to be the case. This means: be aware, get involved, and if you observe any such behaviour (in others or in yourself) then make sure you bring it up. Sexualized violence will not be tolerated on the camp. How these are defined and what consequences ensue is solely decided by the survivor of the assault. Her power to define will not be doubted! But the reflektion about sexism should not stop here - it's also necessary to think about sexism beyond it. Solidarity and freedom from authority, when genuinely experienced, gives us energy and encouragement for our daily struggle. You neither need to know any theories nor be active in any political groups to participate at the a-camp. Everybody is welcome who can identiy with emancipatory and anti-hierarchic ideas.
The campsite has various fields with trees, wilderness, a small river and campfires. As well as enough places for tents, the camp offers a varied infrastructure. There are dry rooms, a kitchen and sanitary facilities, as well as a limited number of beds for those who may need them. There will be computer facilities, which could for example be used for producing a camp newspaper, workshops and internet access. Nearby there is also a pond where you can swim.
Shared cooking will follow the principle that all should be able to eat (including vegans, persons with allergies, breastfeeding women…). If we cooperate and share the daily chores fairly (food shopping, cooking, cleaning, tidying up), they will take up very little of everyone's time. Solidarity and voluntary mutual help will however remain nothing but empty words, if in practice the same few people will end up doing all the work.
What will actually happen at the camp will depend on what the participants will want to make out of it. Don't expect to find a ready schedule of lectures and workshops: rather expect to get involved, create the workshops and debates yourself and together with others. The experience of previous anarchist camps has shown that many varied and interesting topics and activities will arise spontaneously on site. The following and much more took place at the camp in 2007: workshops and debates on subjects as diverse as sex/gender/queer, migration, legal advise, anarchosyndicalism, a clowns' army training,…
The scope of subjects and possibilities should go beyond traditional anarchism. We would like to discuss the most diverse topics from a critical perspective: from (anarchist) utopias and theories, gender relationships and the critique of romantic two-person relationships to action forms, practical examples of political activism or alternative forms of living together. The camp's size and nature should allow it to be multifaceted: filled with theory and praxis, workshops, games, music, presentations and debates, cooking, movies, dancing etc.
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